Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Welcome back to another post on my little blog for Texas Sate!

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For this post I will be talking about other blogs out there in the internet universe that I like or visit on a daily basis. I am supposed to look at my classmate’s blogs but sadly there was no other technology blogs on the list. I did see a lot of healthy lifestyle blogs that I would like to follow along as we go by with this semester.

So I decided to write about This blogs follows a bit of everything in technology and pop culture.

Mashable Logo

They cover technology, social media and post the latest videos.  Sometimes it’s just random postings that keep me logged in for hours. One article can be the ‘Masculine culture in STEM fields’ or it can be about ‘Ron Swanson is deeply offended that Donald Trump went into politics’. The topics are endless and there is something for everyone. The blog is also international so you can get news from Asia, Australia, France, India and The UK.

The reason I selected this blog is because all the articles are short and to the point. They don’t really like to waste the readers time and are direct and to the point. It’s like they know me on a personal level, because if the content is not good I will be clicking out that page.


Having all these options makes this blog unique because it keeps people entertained at all times. It also created a blogging community within the blog. It allows the readers to leave comments and talk to one another. They even let you share the article on plenty of Social Medias for as little as nothing! You can Pin It, Post it, Tweet it, Stumble it and for some reason post it on your LinkedIn. Mashable let us the users spread the word and this is why this blog is one of my favorite ones out there.

This blog is the main reason why I picked technology for my personal blog.We don’t pay attention to it but technology is a very important part of our lives and we must learn how to adapt to it. Our phones are the main source of entertainment and Mashable learned how to adapt to the users and provided content that is effective and enjoyable to read. They were able to adapt in order to move forward with the fast changing scene of the internet.

In closing Mashable is a blog that inspires me to learn more about technology and report it to the public or if I want to just post a random video. I want to model my blog after Mashable so one day I can manage to entertain and inform the people of the internet.

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